Briony Barr
Brisbane, Australia
Briony Barr is a visual-conceptual artist who uses process-based drawing to explores ideas around structure, emergence and the role of different boundaries and generative limits. Interdisciplinary research and collaboration are fundamental to her practice, and she regularly works with scientists, writers, musicians, dancers, educators and fellow artists, as well as groups of people to create art, books, workshops, and performances.
She is part of two long term art-science investigations. Ongoing since 2012, Briony has worked with physicist Andrew Melatos on ‘Drawing on Complexity’ a project which uses collaborative drawing to explore and model complex adaptive systems. Since 2008, Briony has collaborated with microbial ecologist Gregory Crocetti as ‘Scale Free Network’. Together they have created a diverse range of projects which explore and visualise ‘invisible’ micro-worlds, including five storybooks and two graphic novels about microbial symbiosis.
Briony’s work has been presented in schools, libraries, festivals, conferences, galleries, museums and science institutions around Australia and internationally. She is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne.