The Folded Geometry of the Universe — Experimenta

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Matthew Gardiner
The Folded Geometry of the Universe



Science currently theorises that approximately 85% of the universe, known as dark matter, is folded like an origami sheet. How might we imagine something that is not only invisible, but can only be inferred by mathematics?

The Folded Geometry of the Universe attempts to make sense of nature through the study of folding and technology. According to recent theories of physics, the universe began when separate dimensions folded into one, resulting in the Big Bang. Expansion commenced instantly and space-time came into being. Using folding as its metaphor, the sculpture imagines the infinite shape of a continually expanding universe. In this analogy, unfolding is expansion or time flowing forward. Each single fold represents a new space-time entity. They are infinite, an ever-cascading flow of intricately connected events. Time flowing in reverse is contraction, the reduction of folds and events, back to nothing.

The Folded Geometry of the Universe is a static moment, a singular present but it invites audiences to imagine their own folded universes. The sculpture is a provocation to contemplate an infinity of folds, to follow the endless spiral geometry – infinitely large and infinitely small – of a universe breathing as time oscillates between being and nothingness.

The Artist
Matthew Gardiner

Matthew Gardiner is a pioneer of ‘Oribotics’, a field of art/science that explores the convergence of origami, folding and robotics. Gardiner’s works portray an altered future where folding forms are the fundamental fabric of life.

Artwork Journey
