Review: The Sydney Morning Herald "Recharge exhibition highlights new media arts" — Experimenta

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Review by Andrew Stephens
November 21, 2014 — 11.45pm

Korisnky’s work is not the only one edging into extraordinary territory in Experimenta: Recharge. Parsons has selected work from a wide scope of disciplines – photography, installation, electronic sculpture, interactive and immersive media, robotics, bio art, live art, sound art, 3D printing, games, animation, film and video. He says there are now many artists picking up on new research in robotics, data-visualisation, gaming, medicine and scanography, and using those advances as springboards for new methods of making art – or for providing fascinating content.

“From my experience, media arts practice has expanded into so many other territories,” Parsons says. “For a long time it sat on the fringe. Now, there is extraordinary stuff happening in technology, dance, literature and so on.”

Parsons says he has found the diversity and inventiveness of artists using new media to be deeply worthy of exhibiting. “And there is certainly a political dimension to what a lot of the artists are doing, to encourage the conversation about cultural and economic shifts we are witnessing in the world.”

’70,000 Veils’ by Khaled Sabsabi. Experimenta Recharge. RMIT Gallery, 2014. Photo by Vicki Jones