Matthew Sleeth “Technology is a driver of the language” — Experimenta

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The first interview for this video series invites Australian artist Matthew Sleeth to reflect on time spent recently in the studio, influencing him to think more broadly about his history working with image as motion. He also discusses his collaborative process working with diverse technologies and how this approach has allowed him the creative flexibility that has shaped his career.

Experimenta has been working with Sleeth since 2014 through the commissioning of his ambitious media-art artwork A Drone Opera. A visceral exploration of drones and their social and cultural impact, Sleeth speaks about the evolving life of this work and the direction it continues to head in for future iterations in physical and virtual spaces.

The Experimenta Studio Sessions is a new series of digital stories designed to provide a unique insight into the studio life and creative practice of a selection of Australian artists. Click here to watch other videos.

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