Korinsky — Experimenta

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Abel Korinsky
Born 1985 Ibbenbueren, Germany. Lives and works Berlin, Germany.

Carlo Korinsky
Born 1985 Ibbenbueren. Lives and works Berlin.

Max Korinsky
Born 1984 Ibbenbueren. Lives and works Berlin.

Korinsky is a sound collective of three brothers whose work concentrates on the emotional and physical effect that directional sound has upon listeners. Using custom-developed software called ‘Vertical Sound Lab’, Korinsky conflates sound with visual material to produce rich, multi-layered auditory and visual illusions, often in unique architectural locations.

Korinsky is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and commissions, including the Mercedes-Benz Kunst Award (2014) and Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (2013). The collective has exhibited work in international festivals, exhibitions and locations including ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (2014); the Berlin Cathedral, Berlin (2014); Re-new Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark (2013); Kraftwerk Mitte, Berlin (2013); Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria (2012); Art, Science and Industry, Kunsthaus Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (2012); and Sound Art in City Spaces, Vilnius, Lithuania (2011). In 2012 Korinsky was sponsored by the Federal Department of Commerce and Technology, Germany, and the European Union.

