Experimenta Social #17:
Present The Future
We live in a time of political fatigue, environmental crisis and spiritual abandonment. Often it is easier to tune out than to engage with the unknowns of our present, let alone our future. A new generation of experimental artists are here to encourage us to snap out of it and face the unsettled mood of our times through a creative and elaborate awakening of our senses.
Through interactive installations and immersive art projects, we’ll be encouraged to face the current complexities of our world through technologically-facilitated meditation and provocation. These artists explore visual therapies and sensory remedies, both stimulating and stark, in order to embolden participants to look within and question their physical and emotional responses to external challenges. In collaboration with Next Wave Festival, Experimenta Social #17 invites presenting artists from this year’s festival program to discuss their projects.
This event is presented in collaboration with Next Wave Festival, 3 – 20 May 2018
Experimenta Social is presented in partnership with ACMI X and supported by Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO.
About the Speakers
Olivia Tartaglia and Alex Tate
Olivia Tartaglia and Alex Tate
Olivia Tartaglia and Alex Tate (WA) are artists exploring futurism, ecotechnology, far-future scifi, biological art, and the Anthropocene, and collaborating together on interactive installations including zen gardens and luminescent inflatable architecture.
Bureau of Meteoranxiety
Harriet Gillies
Harriet Gillies
Harriet Gillies (NSW) is a performance artists that operates across a range of modes including large-scale participatory events, one-on-one situational work and devised performance. Gillies’ Next Wave artwork leads a team of stellar performers through an algorithm to understand the increasing role predictive technologies play in our day-to-day lives.
Lifestyle of the Richard and Family