Experimenta Social #12:
The Unstable Body & It's Image
Filmic horror, the monstrous and the body stalk Experimenta Social #12. We will reflect on the image of the body and its deformations, between Italian Giallo horror of the 1970’s and its reformulation by contemporary art.
Join contemporary artist/’Marilyn Manson of the PoC community’ Diego Ramirez and Cinema Studies academic Alexia Kannas for a night of reflection on the ever-unstable body on screen.
This event was curated by Emile Zile.
This project is supported by the Besen Family Foundation and the City of Melbourne, and presented in conjunction with ACMIx.
About the Speakers
Diego Ramirez
Diego Ramirez
Diego Ramirez is an artist and writer. He works primarily with video and pictures to develop installation projects for gallery contexts. His research-based practice deals with the legacies of colonialism in visual culture. Key areas of interest include the rhetoric of the image; the meaning making of fear and desire; and media mediation. As an artist, he seeks to reconfigure vernacular archives and popular images that embody these themes.
Alexia Kannas
Alexia Kannas
Alexia Kannas lectures in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University. Her research concerns topics in film genre, cinematic modernism, cult cinema and cross-cultural reception and exchange. She is the author of Deep Red (Columbia University Press/Wallflower, forthcoming 2017) and is currently completing a monograph on the Italian Giallo film for SUNY Press.